According to recent reports, video games for 2021+ are going to rise in price. The truth behind this is that a lot of video game companies are just becoming greedy. These establishments are now trying to squeeze as much money and coin people out of their hard earned money. So as a customer be careful, you might just be that poor sap that falls for the charade.
Advice given here is wait. Don't fall for the scam. People who take things become sheep. If you were to take say something that was 'bad' for you given to you by people you trust but you knew there was a downside and a master plan, would you still take it?
The same applies to video games. Would you spend $70 on a video game? Which is ¥7611.10 in Japanese currency, nearly £50 in British currency.
Here is what people with sense do. Do not buy or support any video games that are asking for huge amount of money. Don't flock with the sheep, they are the same sheep who would gladly 'eradicate' themselves for the benefit of 'owning' something that would not really benefit them. They also help the 👁⃤ reach their goals, by mindlessly buying without thinking.
That is why a lot of people pirate video games. Because they know that the video game companies are greedy and only really care about money.
Nintendo games rarely drop in price in their virtual store but they drop a lot of third-party titles. Old video games being resold. Very outdated. Those games should not be higher than $50.
The solution to these market schemes is to have willpower and not buy the games. Some of these games have beautiful scenery, but are quite boring. You also have to think about the limited features of some video games, and if you do not have a membership how that will affect you. For example not being able to play with friends. And in the end that all comes down to greed.
So you will buy a video game for $70, but to be able to play with your friends online, you will also have to fork out extra for the online membership.
What this post here is explaining is that in the end it all comes down to greed. And if you are not stupid, you will not fall for the cons that those gaming companies pull.